Ashley Van Hesteren
Governance Subcommittee Member
My name is Ashley Van Hesteren and I have been working with the Wooster Upward Bound program since 2017. In 2022, I also co-wrote the Mansfield Upward Bound grant and currently work with both programs. I joined USAC in 2022 and serve as Vice Chair Secretary/Treasurer. I hope to advocate for all staff, but especially those typically not represented in the rooms where decisions are being made.
I have a bachelor’s degree in English with a professional writing minor and a master’s in Public Administration and Leadership, both from Ohio State. My focuses are staff on the regional campuses, diversity equity and inclusion, LGBT issues, mental health and wellness, and employee work/life balance.
I am also passionate about Art and teaching Art, including cross stitch, crochet, hand sewing, and weaving. I volunteer with the local cat sanctuary and humane society, and I own as many cats as I can comfortably fit in a small home.