External Committees
1 Steering Committee: Tracey Boggs
Serves as a resource in an ex-officio capacity as it relates to staff. One-year appointment.
2 Athletic Council: Tom Gessels
Develops policies governing intercollegiate athletics that will guide athletic administration. Four-year appointment.
3 Library Committee: Lila Andersen
Advises dean and university libraries on efforts supporting the educational, research, and service activities of libraries and related units. Three-year appointment.
4 Academic Technology: Liana Criston-Vandeborne & Lauren Gannon-Evans
Advise the chief information officer and university administration in planning and implementation of academic technology programs and policies. Three-year appointment.
5 Council on Physical Environment (COPE): Stacey Copley & Sunny Zong
Take a broad and encompassing perspective on the physical environment of the university as it affects the academic enterprise and quality of life for the university community. Propose policies, review and recommend action regarding proposed major projects, and consult with university administration about matters within its domain. Three-year appointment.
6 Diversity Committee: Ramsey Piazza & Jacob Decot
Study issues related to the implementation of the university nondiscriminatory policy; recommend policies that foster an environment of civility, tolerance, and mutual respect. Three-year appointment.
7 Fiscal Committee: Steven Mentz
Continually review university fiscal policies and resources; advise president on alternatives and strategies for long-term and short-term allocation of resources consistent with maintaining university mission; analyze resources and budgets from an overall university-wide perspective; advise president in the event of an imminent fiscal crisis. Three-year appointment.
8 Rules Committee: Kevin Petrilla
The guardian of the faculty rules. The rules are a part of the Ohio Administrative Code, and proposals to change the rules must be vetted by the rules committee, in collaboration with other committees, including faculty council. The specific rule language must be finalized by the committee before any rule change is proposed to the University Senate for approval. Two-year appointment.
9 Council on Enrollment and Student Progress (CESP): Kynthia Droesch
CESP monitors the recruitment, admission, retention, degree completion, and graduation of all students. The council advises on policies that affect the characteristics of the student body and that impact timely completion of degrees. Three-year appointment.
University Committee
1 Health and Wellness Council: Tracey Boggs
The overarching goal is to make OSU the healthiest university in the world and to create a culture that makes healthy behaviors the norm by leveraging evidence-based interventions, developing and coordinating clear and supportive communication, and enhancing grassroots efforts, committed to sharing best practices with other universities across the country. One-year appointment.
2 Parking Advisory Council: Alice Gaughan
Chaired by the Office of Administration and Planning, the committee is comprised of students, faculty and staff and serves as an advisory group to university leadership. One-year appointment.
3 Employee Emergency Fund: Theresa Hazelwood
Review and collectively approve or deny applications submitted to the Employee Emergency Fund (EEF). Done on an as needed basis via e-mail correspondence. Each member will submit one vote per application with the director of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) being the deciding vote in the case of a tie. Two-year appointment.
4 Health Plan Oversight Committee (HPOC): Katie Shockley
Advises President and President’s Cabinet on the University Health Plans. Three-year appointment.
5 Ohio Staff Council of Higher Education: Shannon Hand & Tiffany Halsell
To work collaboratively with other public colleges and universities throughout the State of Ohio, addressing issues on existing policies and initiating new policies for the common good. Two-year appointment.
6 Ohio Union Council: Jason Homan
Serves as a conduit between the Ohio Union, the Council on Student Affairs, and the constituents of the Union including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. The Ohio Union Council serves as an advisory body to the Director of the Ohio Union and provides the vision, voice, and direction of the Ohio Union. Two-year appointment.
7 University Recreational Sports Committee: Julie Hannahs
Assist in maintaining a cooperative relationship among entities sharing recreational sports facilities; the promotion of user satisfaction in all recreational sports facilities and programs at OSU; ensuring that the university is fiscally addressing the needs of students, faculty and staff for high quality recreational sports facilities and programs. Two-year appointment.
8 Rules Committee: Kevin Petrilla
The guardian of the faculty rules. The rules are a part of the Ohio Administrative Code, and proposals to change the rules must be vetted by the rules committee, in collaboration with other committees, including faculty council. The specific rule language must be finalized by the committee before any rule change is proposed to the University Senate for approval. Two-year appointment.
9 Public Safety Advisory Committee: Amy Hurley
The goal is to provide feedback and assistance in work toward enhancing the safety and well-being of all members of our university community. Two-year appointment.
10 Benefits Appeal Committee: Melissa Stenger
Provide a dedicated body to hear, deliberate upon, and decide appeals of determinations under one or more of the Plans. Three-year appointment.
11 Conflict Approval Committee: Jeanne Green & Sherri Hall
Serves as a representative for all staff when reviewing, approving, or managing potential conflicts of interest or conflicts of commitment. Attends monthly meetings as a voting member of the committee and provides a staff perspective for the faculty committee members. Three-year appointment.