As a reminder, guests are welcome to participate in the meeting chat and ask questions, but we want our meetings to be a safe, inclusive space for guests and participants alike. Keep comments and questions professional and assume positive intent. Given our time constraints, we may not be able to address all questions and comments in the meeting. Emailing us ( is the most effective way of helping us collect your feedback and questions to share with senior leaders.
University Staff Advisory Committee
Be Our Guest
Join the next USAC virtual business meeting. Virtual meetings are open to all OSU staff to join as guests.

What is the University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC)?
We are an advisory body to university leadership. Comprised of members from across the university and medical center, our mission is to maintain an active and participatory line of communication with the university community and to provide a forum through which university staff can raise, discuss, and make recommendations to support the university’s mission.
2024-2025 Top Priorities
1 Establish Cost-of-Living Adjustments
As staff are faced with an inflation rate in Ohio ~7%, we would like the University to establish a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for employees in addition to the existing merit pool.
2 Improve Equitable Compensation
We would like the University to focus on equitable compensation for staff by addressing pay compression, salary discrepancies across units, and differences in salary offers between internal and external candidates.
3 Revise Sick Leave Policy
To address ongoing staff concerns around needing time off for anxiety and depression, we would like to see expansion of the sick leave policy to include time off for pre-planned mental health and wellness.
4 Reinstate Winter Recess
We would like the University to continue prioritizing employee wellbeing by providing an uninterrupted break and quality time off for families in the form of Winter Recess. This should include an equitable option for essential staff.
Additional Initiatives
- Explore Flexible Time Off and Conversion Options
- Enhance Parking Permit Options for Hybrid Workers
- Connect More Staff to Career Development Opportunities
- Evaluate Past Recommendations for Staff Ombuds Office
Have feedback on these initiatives or our current priorities? Let us know.
Check out (and share!) the Winter version of the USAC Priorities and Summary.